
Posts Tagged ‘Choose to be Happy’


December 28, 2010 2 comments

Very powerful statement. One of the many lessons learned from my father. As someone who overcome many obstacles and barriers to get where he is today, my father is a vivid example of the power of your thoughts.

Our mind is the most powerful gift we’ve been given. In addition to its power, our mind can be a very tricky tool with various features at our disposal. However, when facing difficult and painful situations in our life, learning how to use them all can be pretty challenging. As a depression survivor myself, I’ve experience a very dark side of our mind as a consequence of very negative thoughts.

After hitting rock bottom during my darkest hours, I realized that by being depressed I was actually causing a lot of pain to the people I love the most. All of the sudden I started to rationalize my situation and concluded that being depressed is basically a whole a lot of thinking of ME, then ME and ME again. Surprisingly enough, I switched from feeling extremely victimized by my circumstances, to feeling extremely selfish.  

I made a decision, I didn’t want to live my life like that anymore, and most importantly, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of unhappiness for anyone else. I started thinking about people who have gone through even toughest life’s situations than mine and how they were able to survive and move on with their lives. I convinced myself, if they could do it, I CAN TOO!!! And I was RIGHT, I was absolutely RIGHT.

Whether you want to get out of a depression, have a better career or a better relationship, if you think YOU CAN do it, YOU WILL. If you think you CAN’T, you are absolutely RIGHT, you’ll never will. It sounds very simple but yet is very difficult to actually practice it. If you think about it, using simple logic, you’ll realize that the only thing you must do to make that change in your life is make a decision, and you and only you have the power to make the correct one.

Very few problems in our life are cause by circumstances out of our control. Most of them are cause by our thoughts, our perspectives and sometimes unrealistic expectations of people and situations.

Let’s make the RIGHT decision, let’s choose to be HAPPY, let’s choose I CAN!!!

God Blessed,


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